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Validate your Training

Validate your Training#

After your training is finished, you first need to validate the overall training. For this specific task, Umami has a specific script called Depending if you ran the training with on the fly validation or without, the script validates the different models created after each epoch and plots the results in different plots.


The important part for the validation of your training is the validation_settings section. In there are all options set to validate and plot the validated results of your training. In the following example, the different options are shown/explained. Note The validation plots are created using the puma package. You can also give puma arguments, like atlas_first_tag, for the plots. These options are given to puma when the plotting is called.

    # Number of jets used for validation
    n_jets: 3e5

    # Define which taggers should also be plotted
        rnnip: "Recomm. RNNIP"
        DL1r: "Recomm. DL1r"

    # Label for the freshly trained tagger
    tagger_label: "DIPS"

    # Working point used in the validation
    working_point: 0.77

    # Plotting API parameters
    # fc_value and WP_b are automatically added to the plot label
    atlas_first_tag: "Simulation Internal"
    atlas_second_tag: "\n$\\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, PFlow jets"

    # Set the datatype of the plots
    plot_datatype: "pdf"
Options Data Type Necessary, Optional Explanation
n_jets int Necessary Number of jets to used per validation sample for validation.
working_point float Necessary Working point which is used in the validation. This value is used to calculate the validation json with the MyCallback functions or when recalculating the validation json with the script.
plot_datatype str Necessary Datatype of the plots that are produced using the script.
taggers_from_file dict Optional Dict of taggers that are available in the .h5 samples. The here given taggers are plotted as reference lines in the rejection per epoch plots. The key of the dict is the name of the tagger inside the .h5 samples. The value of the key must be a string with the label for the tagger for the validation plots.
tagger_label str Optional Name for the legend of the freshly trained tagger for the validation plots.
trained_taggers dict Optional A dict with local trained taggers which are to be plotted in the rejection per epoch plots. You need to provide a dict with a path and a label. The path is the path to the validation metrics .json file, where the rejections per epoch are saved. The label is the label which will be shown in the legend in the rejection per epoch plots. The dipsReference in the example here is just an internal naming. It will not be shown anywhere.
use_atlas_tag bool Optional Decide, if the ATLAS tag is printed at the top left of the plot.
atlas_first_tag str Optional Main ATLAS tag which is right to "ATLAS"
atlas_second_tag str Optional Second line below the ATLAS tag
val_batch_size int Optional Number of jets used per batch for the validation of the training. If not given, the batch size from nn_structure is used.

Running the Validation#

Before running the validation, please ensure that the frac_dict and frac_dict_comp option in evaluation_settings is set for all taggers you want to plot! The validation uses this fraction values also for the rejection per epoch calculation! For a more detailed description of frac_dict and frac_dict_comp, please have a look here. Also, check that the n_jets are properly set to a value larger than 0! A zero will produce errors.

After the config is prepared switch to the umami/umami folder and run the by executing the following command: -c <path to train config file> --recalculate

The -r or --recalculate command line option activates the validation of the samples defined in validation_samples. The script will calculate performance values for each epoch trained and will save the results in a specific .json file which has some parameters in the name. An example name is validation_WP0p77_300000jets_Dict.json, where 0p77 is the working point used and 300000 is the number of jets used. After the calculations are done, the script will plot different validation plots like the accuracy, loss and rejection per epoch plots.

Once the validation_WP0p77_300000jets_Dict.json is created (either by the on the fly validation or the --recalculate option), you can simply re-run the plotting via the command: -c <path to train config file>

If you want to plot another .json file, you can give the command line option -d or --dict and the path to the specific file. But please keep in mind that the script extracts the working point and number of jets used from the name of the file!

Note If you want to plot another sample, just add it to validation_samples an run the script again with the --recalculate option. Also, if the on-the-fly validation was activated, you don't need to run the script with the --recalculate. You can simply run the plotting.

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